Let's Get Started!

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, I have put extra measures in place for the safety of you and your family, and me and my family. These measures include taking only 1-2 clients per week, only working outdoors with lifestyle clients and I required all clients to fill in this COVID-19 form the day before our session so that together we can ensure the safest possible experience.

Please carefully read and answer the following questions. Your answers are confidential and will be kept on file until 30 days post your session date.

If you or a member of your household have developed a cough, fever, breathlessness, sore throat or headaches within the 14 days leading up to your session please contact me asap so that I can reschedual you. I will do the same in notifying you of any of the above symptoms occouring in my home.

In the event a postponement is requested by the client due to answering yes to any of the following questions within 24 hours of the our start time, postponing (change the date either now or advised later) will be arranged without any financial loss.

Please get in touch if you have any questions. I am very much looking forward to our shoot together!